Urban Heat Island and Water Management Green and Blue Roof Systems For Hot and Arid Climates

Blue Roof

A simple and effective engineered solution for temporary water retention designed to help with reducing urban flash floods and heat island
✓ Low weight
✓ Simple and fast installation
The water retention system (passive blue) is installed directly on the waterproofing layer while providing additional membrane protection as well as improved thermal and acoustic insulation. The system includes several layers for mechanical and physical protection, water retention and optimal drainage based on a unique drainage and retention board.
System components include at least 75% recycled materials.
Green Roof

Modular, lightweight, water-efficient system, low maintenance without any use of hazardous chemicals and fertilizers
✓ System height starts at 9 cm
✓ Ultra-low weight (average 45 kg wet)
The vegetated roof system is manufactured in Israel and based on the principles of the "Oikosteges" method , which was developed in Greece and is particularly suitable for the Mediterranean climate and drought conditions.
The system includes protective layers and a unique drainage board.
Above these layers is a growing roof module, which includes the optimal substrate that we produce. The irrigation system is integrated within the module. In addition, we grow the plants ourselves.
System components include recycled materials.